Theatre & Dance ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-14-2018


This essay accompanies the researcher’s Master of Fine Arts thesis concert, Sensaciones y emociones (performed on September 5 and 6, 2017). It describes how he employed his training as a flamenco dancer to choreographically model three non-expressive interactions with three discrete feelings in the performances of this concert. The essay outlines the ways in which the researcher used his art practice to imagine alternative strategies for relating to emotions and sensations, as phenomena that might put a body in motion, but that do not always or necessarily travel from inside of a feeling subject, outward, in an act commonly called expression.

Additionally, this essay draws attention to the ideological character of the notion of self-expression and the notion of the dance form. It offers that these ideas can work in tandem in dance discourse, describing the role of emotion in shaping both concepts. Furthermore, it argues that each dancing body presents a specific physicality as it moves, which choreographically models an attitude toward emotion, as that body itself performs a practiced management of feeling.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Theatre & Dance

First Committee Member (Chair)

Amanda Hamp

Second Committee Member

Eva Encinias

Third Committee Member

Donna Jewell

Fourth Committee Member

Dominika Laster

Fifth Committee Member

Mary Anne Santos-Newhall

Sixth Committee Member

Ninotchka Devorah Bennahum


The National Institute of Flamenco




flamenco, emotion, affect, self-expression, non-expression, postmodern dance

Document Type


Included in

Dance Commons
