The Tamarind Papers:  Technical, Critical and Historical Studies on the Art of the Lithograph


4 Editor's Note, by Clinton Adams
5 The Tamarind Citation: Gustave von Groschwitz
6 Théophile Steinlen and Louis Legrand: Contrasts in Social Ideology, by Gabriel P. Weisberg
15 Unsung Heroes: Barnett Freedman, by Pat Gilmour
25 Tamarind in Canada, by Charlotte Baxter
31 The Scottish Printmaking Workshops, by Marjorie Devon
34 Life and Work: Thoughts of an Artist-Printer, by Irwin Hollander, Clinton Adams, and Gustave von Groschwitz
44 Artist and Printer: Some Matches are Made in Heaven and Others..., by Leonard Lehrer
50 Into the Crystal Ball: The Future of Lithography, a Panel Discussion
61 Information Exchange, by John Sommers
68 Brown, Pennell, and Whistler: Eradicating Errors and Presenting a Non-Partisan View, by Nicholas Smale
70 Books & Catalogues in Review
72 Directory of Suppliers
