The Tamarind Papers:  Technical, Critical and Historical Studies on the Art of the Lithograph


4 Editorial: A Sense of Déjà Vu, by Sylvan Cole, Jr.
5 Vignette: Lithograph City, Iowa, by Lawn Griffiths
7 The Lithograph Innovations of Jean Charlot, by Peter Morse
9 Lithographic Charcoal, by Dale S. Phillips
10 Grit-Tone Lithography, by John Sommers
The Faux-Graphique Controversy:
15 An Answer to Joshua Kind, by Jack Solomon, Jr.
20 A Rebuttal to Joshua Kind, by Mel Hunter
22 I, Luddite, by Joshua Kind
24 Tusche Wash: Expressive Development and Alternatives, by John Sommers
25 Water Tusche Washes, by Daniel Britton
27 Images Produced Directly in Lacquer, by Robin Coehn
28 The Use of Lacquer Bases in Printing from Stone, by Jeffrey Sippel
32 Directory of Suppliers
