President Schmidly's Administration

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The Recent Past As most of you know by now, confirmation hearings were held last Monday in Santa Fe for Governor Richardsons three nominees for UNM's Board of Regents. The confirmation process was carried out according to the Constitution of the State of New Mexico and resulted in all three of these individuals — Gene Gallegos, Jamie Koch, and Cate Wisdom — being confirmed by the Senate. As part of the process, several faculty, students, and staff participated in the hearings. There was a lot of passionate discussion, both pro and con, and I want to commend and thank everyone who took the time to participate. These UNM colleagues did a great job of presenting their ideas and viewpoints with clarity and thoughtfulness. The process was a real-time example of two of UNM's Core Values in action: Everyone who participated was able to exercise her or his freedom of speech, and diversity of opinion that is absolutely essential to a strong society, both on campus and in the larger community.'


The University of New Mexico

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The University of New Mexico
