Alternative Title
Claims Resolution Act of 2010, Title IV, Crow Water Rights Settlement Act
Crow Tribe of Montana
Crow Tribe Water Rights Settlement
Crow Indian Reservation
Missouri River Basin
Document Type
Federal legislation
United States
Publication Date
Federal Legislation: Title IV: Crow Tribe Water Rights Settlement - Crow Tribe Water Rights Settlement of 2010 in the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 (PL111-291| 124 Stat 3097). The Act ratifies, authorizes, and confirms the water rights 1999 Compact between the Crow Tribe and MT. The DOI Secretary shall promptly execute the Compact and comply with applicable environmental acts and regulations. The Act provides for: 1) the Tribe to a) rehabilitate and improve the Crow Irrigation Project; and b) Reclamation to construct the municipal, rural, and industrial water system; 2) creates a Project Management Committee made up of the Tribe, the BIA and Reclamation; 3) authorizes the Tribe to collect water use charges; 4) provides tribal water rights for the tribe and allottees; 5) provides for leasing and selling of water; 6) requires a tribal water code; 7) identifies 300,000 acre-feet per year of water stored in Bighorn Lake, Yellowtail Unit, Lower Bighorn Division, Pick Sloan Missouri Basin Program, MT for the Tribe; 8) waivers, immunity issues and release of; 9) the Crow Settlement Fund; 10) the exclusive right of the Tribe to develop and market power generation on the Yellowtail Afterbay Dam; 11) mandates appropriations and authorizes appropriations; 12) environmental compliance; and 13) an expiration date. [Source:| ]
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Recommended Citation
Crow Water Rights Settlement Act, Title IV, Claims Settlement Act, PL 111-291, 124 Stat 3097
Claims Resolution Act - 103 pages, Crow settlement - 36 pages.