Mechanical Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Fall 12-16-2023


This thesis details the system modeling, design, control, simulation, construction, and
testing of both a fully-actuated and omni-directional multirotor aerial system created
for the primary purpose of performing active tasks with their environment. This work
verifies the capabilities of both systems through empirical testing, and demonstrates
how through the use of new control methods and physical designs multirotors can
expand their purpose from passive inspection based tasks to active contact based
tasks. These systems take advantage of newly implemented control allocation features present in the PX4 flight control software, version 1.14. The use of which makes designing controllers for such fully-actuated and omni-directional systems significantly easier than in the past. Prior designs have necessitated a great deal of custom code, out of reach for the uninformed to implement. While these systems are still by no means simple to operate, this thesis attempts to streamline the process for future research into the subject.


Airborne Manipulators, Fundamentals of Airborne Manipulation, ROS, Control Allocation

Degree Name

Mechanical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Mechanical Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Dr. Rafael Fierro

Second Committee Member

Dr. Claus Danielson

Third Committee Member

Dr. Steven Spencer

Document Type



