Mechanical Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-12-2023


In this thesis, the multiple linear regression method is applied to clarify terms and their coefficients in data-driven models for velocity/pressure-gradient (VPG) correlations in the Reynolds stress transport equations. Additionally, a method for developing universal linear models for the VPG correlations with unchanging coefficients when complex conditions arise in a flow is introduced. The generated models were assessed using residual analysis to ensure an appropriate level of accuracy. Data from direct numerical simulation in an incompressible fully-developed turbulent channel flow at Re_tau = 392 with an adverse pressure gradient is used in the study as the data source.


regression, turbulence modeling, RANS modeling, velocity-pressure gradient correlations

Degree Name

Mechanical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Mechanical Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Svetlana Poroseva

Second Committee Member

Peter Vorobieff

Third Committee Member

Daniel Banuti

Document Type

