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This file contains published reports on AIO’s first regional seminar for tribal decision-makers on the environmental health impacts of development on Native American communities and the roles of government agencies charged with the responsibilities for various aspects of environmental protection and individual safety. Sample publications include Milwaukee, Billings, Sacramento, Seattle, and a final report gathering the contributions of over 25 tribes and 8 federal agencies who attended this meeting on October 15-17 1980. Included in this file are correspondence between LaDonna Harris and federal government officials and a work plan.

Publication Date


Collection Document Type

Conference reports

Collection Topics

Environmental protection/Native American Studies


Environmental protection, Native American tribes, chemical waste, uranium, timber, copper, agriculture, aluminum wiring, asbestos, reclamation, hazards in the workplace, the EPA Indian policy, remote sensing, range management, oil and gas development, hard mineral extraction, geothermal energy, coastal zone management, fisheries, mother earth is sacred, a holistic approach, tribal concerns, tribal systems for environmentally sound decision-making


Indigenous Education

Messing with Mother Nature Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
