"La Verdad, El Poder, y La Liberacion" by Christine Zuni Cruz

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A Reflection on Margaret Montoya, Mascaras, Trenzas, y Grenas: Un/Masking the Self While Un/Braiding Latina Stories and Legal Discourse, 17 HARV. WOMENS L. J. 185 (1994), 15 CHICANO-LATINO L. REV. 1 (1994)' Professor Margaret Montoyas Mascaras, Trenzas y Grenas: Un/Masking The Self While Unbraiding Latina Stories and Legal Discourse1 was published during the first year of my entry into the legal academy as a visiting professor. This reflection on her influential article addresses three of the major themes that resonate most strongly for me. The first is the assimilative pull of the legal academic institution, the second is the power of narrative, and the third is transculturation.

Publication Title

Harvard Journal of Law and Gender



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