"An Examination of Policy Options for Achieving Greenhouse Gas Emission" by Gabriel Pacyniak

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An Examination of Policy Options for Achieving Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in New Jersey surveys emissions and energy trends, describes a “deep decarbonization pathway” for the state, and identifies the types of policies that would be necessary to achieve those reductions. Many of the policies address the power and transportation sectors, which account for more than 60 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions from New Jersey. The report also includes options for improving building efficiency, reducing methane leaks from natural gas infrastructure, restoring natural carbon sinks in forests and wetlands, and incorporating equity considerations to address the needs of frontline populations.

Publication Title

Georgetown Climate Center

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White Paper http://www.georgetownclimate.org/reports/an-examination-of-policy-options-for-achieving-greenhouse-gas-emissions-reductions-in-new-jersey.html



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