Book Chapter
Book Title
Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World
Deborah Maranville, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Carolyn Wilkes Kaas & Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
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Teaching interculturally was not addressed in BEST PRACTICES FOR LEGAL EDUCATION. Legal scholars have studied how legal pedagogy both reflects the values and approaches of dominant groups within legal academia (i.e., privileged white men), and also how these approaches to teaching can alienate students — such as women, students of color, and gender and sexually diverse students, among others — who do not share all of the dominant group’s traits. However, more research is required to help law teachers fully understand the extent to which the structures of legal education affect non-dominant groups and how legal education may be changed to address such impact.
This section explores why the use of interculturally aware teaching methods is a best practice for law teachers, and provides general suggestions for how to do so. The section below on intercultural effectiveness for lawyers and the preceding section on humanizing legal education provide more detailed suggestions relevant to using interculturally aware teaching methods.
Publication Date
Durham, NC
Carolina Academic Press
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Instruction | Law
Recommended Citation
Homer, Steven K.. "Using Interculturally Aware Teaching Methods (in Revisiting the Characteristics of Effective Education)." Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World (2015): 85-89.

Included in
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Law Commons
Chapter 4, Section B. Chapter co-authors:
Michael Hunter Schwartz, Washburn University - School of Law
Amy C. Bushaw, Lewis and Clark Law School
Steven K. Homer, University of New Mexico - School of Law
Deborah A. Maranville, University of Washington School of Law
Barbara Glesner Fines, University of Missouri at Kansas City - School of Law
The attached PDF only includes Steven K. Homer's section within Chapter 4.