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The national program for the development of the energy sector of Haiti seeks to enable policy makers and various stakeholders providing them with a management tool for the industry. The program covers the period 2007-2032. The conservation of natural resources (especially forests) from the point of view of energy management and environmental integrity will be considered through various measures such as: Support for more efficient use of fuel from wood and charcoal; the production of energy and other forest biomass resources; the conversion to diesel, bio-diesel and LPG of 1,000 small businesses that use wood as fuel; the promotion of renewable energies (wind and solar) by strengthening the institutional (and the privileged access of the poor to energy services); the promotion of bio-fuels through incentives for production of biomass energy and encouraging the acquisition of investments in equipment for the production and use of bio-fuels.
Public domain government legislation re-posted as part of an Institutional Repository collection to aggregate energy policy.
Bureau des Mines et de L'energie
Recommended Citation
Bureau des Mines et de L'energie. "Development Plan for the Energy Sector 2007 - 2017." (2006).