Document Type

Technical Report

Publication Date



Biodiesel, a diesel fuel substitute produced from renewable resources such as soybean oil, has demonstrated potential as a particulate matter and CO2 reduction strategy for transportation markets. Although not currently in commercial production or use, biodiesel is not a new fuel to South America. In fact, research activities date back to the 1970s. As a result of the OPEC crisis, a significant amount of research on biodiesel and ethanol was conducted by the Brazilian government. However, the program was canceled before significant levels of research could be conducted. Concern over the environment and the amount of energy that is imported on an annual basis, combined with global soybean marketing issues, have spurred the recent activities to commercialize biodiesel in Brazil and Argentina. This report will provide some insight into the potential for production and usage of biodiesel in Brazil and Argentina. Commercialization of a regulated product, such as biodiesel, is an enormous task. It requires significant effort and political support to establish a foundation for reoccurring production and sales. The USB project has been a stimulus for biodiesel advocates in these two countries. However, commercialization will require additional activity and South American resolution of several issues prior to biodiesel introduction and widespread commercialization.


Report re-posted as a PDF document with permission from the publisher as part of an Institutional Repository collection to aggregate Latin American energy policy, dialogue, white papers, reports, and educational materials. This report is no longer available on the National Biodiesel Board's website; however, their extensive database of reports on biodiesel can be accessed at the website listed below.




The National Biodiesel Board
