
This paper analyzes the effect of climate risk on food security in rural Nepal, utilizing the Nepal Living Standard Survey data and climate risk index data. We construct two indicators for food security, caloric intake per capita and food diversity, which captures comprehensive information of food security. The copula method, which allows us to obtain flexible bivariate parametric model for the continuous-count data, is used to simultaneously estimate the caloric intake and food diversity models.


Oct 16th, 12:00 AM

Joint regression analysis of the effect of climate risk on food security in rural Nepal: Using Copula approach

This paper analyzes the effect of climate risk on food security in rural Nepal, utilizing the Nepal Living Standard Survey data and climate risk index data. We construct two indicators for food security, caloric intake per capita and food diversity, which captures comprehensive information of food security. The copula method, which allows us to obtain flexible bivariate parametric model for the continuous-count data, is used to simultaneously estimate the caloric intake and food diversity models.