English Language and Literature ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-14-2017


From the Kingdom of the Lost is a collection of poems where the speaker examines his memories associated with his father’s stage four cancer diagnosis that leads to his eventual death.

Throughout the book, a boy character appears and serves as a stand-in for where memory and emotion have been distorted by the trauma of the father’s decline. The interaction between the boy character poems and the dying father poems drives the narrative forward. Additionally, there are contemplative poems that serve to assess the personal beliefs and identity of the speaker. By the end, the speaker has assessed how the grieving process is affected by trauma, religious devotion, and social disparities.

n between the boy character poems and the dying father poems drives the narrative forward. Additionally, there are contemplative poems that serve to assess the personal beliefs and identify of the speaker. By the end, the speaker has assessed how the grieving process is affected by trauma, religious devotion, and social disparities.

Degree Name

MFA Creative Writing

Level of Degree


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

Lisa Chavez

Second Committee Member

Marisa Clark

Third Committee Member

Scarlett Higgins

Fourth Committee Member

Stephen Benz




Poetry, Trauma, Memory, Society, Love, Religion

Document Type


Available for download on Wednesday, May 13, 2116
