English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
This dissertation argues that the Colorado River and its watershed face a crisis of representation as privileged nineteenth-century myths portraying the American West as a frontier, garden, and wilderness have limited an understanding of what and whom the river is for. It examines the contribution of tributary voices' or the lesser known perspectives from the region to reveal new lines of thinking about this river and its surroundings as they engage the traditional views of the river shaped by these myths. The voices examined at length in this study include contemporary nature writer Craig Childs, recent female boating narratives by Patricia McCairen, Laurie Buyer, and Louise Teal, and AEURHYC, a Mexican water-users association from the Colorado Delta region. Through an interdisciplinary 'watershed' approach that draws on ecocritical, bioregional, and rhetorical frameworks, this project considers how these tributary voices appropriate, complicate, and often reject the discourses and genres that have traditionally represented the river and watershed. Negotiating these conventional viewpoints, the tributary voices offer new lines of thinking that reveal the river's importance to a broader range of stakeholders. As impending water shortages threaten the region, this dissertation initiates a much needed conversation about the role literary and rhetorical production has in shaping attitudes and behaviors toward the Colorado and its finite resources.'
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Norwood, Vera
Second Committee Member
Kells, Michelle
Third Committee Member
Lynch, Tom
Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) -- In literature, Nature in literature, Wilderness areas in literature, Water use -- Colorado River Watershed (Colo.-Mexico) -- In literature
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Formisano, Paul. "A River of Voices: Confluences and Cross-Currents in the Discourse of the Colorado River." (2012). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/15