Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs

Publication Date

Fall 12-16-2023


Only 35% of fourth graders in the United States can read at the proficient level, and only 34% of eighth graders can read proficiently (National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP], 2022). The purpose of this study was to determine how preservice teachers (PSTs) describe their experience of the methodology of teaching reading in their literacy courses. In addition, what specific strategies for teaching reading do PSTs describe as the focus for their teaching reading preparation, and how do PSTs describe the potential of the strategies learned in their coursework to help them teach reading in their future positions? This study utilized a qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological approach to analyze and interpret six PSTs’ experiences in their literacy methods courses. I analyzed transcripts from the six semi-structured interviews I conducted with PSTs who have completed all the required literacy courses in their teacher preparation program. My analysis revealed that the PSTs in this study were unable to describe specific methods for teaching reading. In addition, the PSTs also did not consider themselves ready to teach reading effectively. Thus, I recommend that teacher educators consider changing how they teach PSTs to teach reading. In addition, preservice teacher educators should include the science of reading (SOR) in their preservice teaching programs.


reading, literacy, teacher preparation programs, methods, Science of Reading (SOR), Simple View of Reading

Document Type




Degree Name

Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education

Level of Degree


First Committee Member (Chair)

Marjori Krebs

Second Committee Member

Trenia Walker

Third Committee Member

Mary Rice

Fourth Committee Member

Rebecca Sanchez
