Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs


Vernon Thomas

Publication Date



Statement of the problem: It is the purpose of this study (1) to collect and preserve the records of those events, characters, and movements that have influenced the educational system of San Saba County, Texas, and have made the present system what it is and (2) to point out the weaknesses found in the school systems and offer recommendations for correcting them.

Delimitations of the problem: This study includes only the white schools of the county, as there were only 14 Negro scholastics in the county in August, 1880, and 43 such scholastics in the county in August, 1939. Most of them lived and are living in the city of San Saba, with a proper school maintained for their educational needs. Consolidation of school districts, handling of school lands and monies, problems of transportation, and buildings and equipment are included in this study only to the extent that a clear history of education in the county may be given.

Document Type




Degree Name

Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Everett Hays Fixley

Second Committee Member

Benjamin Sacks

Third Committee Member

Simon Peter Nanninga

THOMAS_TABLE_2_25.jpg (689 kB)
Schools of San Saba County - 1897, 25% size

THOMAS_TABLE_3_25.jpg (726 kB)
Schools of San Saba County - 1910, 25%

THOMAS_TABLE_5_25.jpg (606 kB)
Schools of San Saba County - 1935, 25%

THOMAS_TABLE_6_25.jpg (624 kB)
Schools of San Saba County - 1940, 25%

THOMAS_TABLE_2.jpg (8209 kB)
Schools of San Saba County - 1897

THOMAS_TABLE_3.jpg (8677 kB)
Schools of San Saba County - 1910

THOMAS_TABLE_5.jpg (6883 kB)
Schools of San Saba County - 1935

THOMAS_TABLE_6.jpg (6431 kB)
Schools of San Saba County - 1940
