Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 8-1-2023


The research aimed to explore the long-term effects of intercultural bilingual programs on Indigenous bilingual students residing in transnational communities. Employing a phenomenological research design, this qualitative study incorporated interviews, focus groups, classroom observations, and artifact analysis. Specifically, it investigated an intercultural education program at the secondary level and its influence on transnational students, their families, and the teachers at the Preparatoria Indígena Intercultural de Santa Fe de la Laguna in Michoacán, México. This research contributes to the growing field of bilingual education research in México by examining the interconnections between transnationalism and Bilingual Intercultural models of education, thus proposing the notion of a transnational-intercultural phenomenon.

One significant revelation from this study pertained to the intricate relationship between the people of Santa Fe de la Laguna and geographic mobility. The community's deliberate efforts to discourage early migration were aimed at preserving ancestral values, the well-being of families and the community as a whole. This process was meticulously undertaken, analyzing the data collected during fieldwork in Michoacán, subsequent months, and phone conversations. The collected data, obtained through formal and informal discussions, formed an organic body of knowledge that facilitated an extensive inquiry.

The findings unveiled the profound impact of transnationalism on the Purépecha community of Santa Fe de la Laguna and their ability to establish a third space through the creation of the Preparatoria Indígena Intercultural de Santa Fe de la Laguna. By embodying Purépecha values such as Jarhoapekua/Service, Sési Irékani/Well-being, Kaxúmbekua/Teachings and Honor, and Pindékuecha/Traditions, the community initiated a transformative process that reclaimed control over transnational processes, reducing early migration among youth and establishing an educación para comuneros y comuneras/a comunero education system. The community purposefully reshaped and reappropriated a space to address the transnational nature of their experiences (Lefebvre, 1991).


Intercultural Bilingual, Transnational, Indigenous, Phenomenological, Purépecha

Document Type




Degree Name

Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies

Level of Degree


Department Name

Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies

First Committee Member (Chair)

Carlos LópezLeiva

Second Committee Member

Silvia Celedón-Pattichis

Third Committee Member

Rebecca Blum-Martínez

Fourth Committee Member

Glenabah Martinez

Fifth Committee Member

Amaruc Lucas Hernández
