Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs

Publication Date



Smart Grid Technologies such as demand Response, energy storage, microgrids, advanced communication technologies, and are being rapidly adopted into the electric grid by the each technology. Utilities making efforts to support, invest, adopt and implement these. One challenge is not necessarily adopting the technology, but first identifying the impact of the technology and comparing with its benefits. Another challenge, and the most important one, is how would all these technologies work together on the electric grid. One benefit of a technology might be counterproductive to a benefit from another technology. This challenge of understanding multiple technologies is important because when analyzing the methods and solutions of one, may introduce other parameters that could counter another technologies benefit. Universities, Research institutes, and utilities are working together to understand how all these technologies work together and identifying how to maximize the benefit to both customers and the utility grid with minimal impacts to the grid. The purpose of this thesis is to identify technologies and understand each of its characteristics to associate each other in respect to methods of grid operations. This thesis will address how these technologies work together in an automated way through various communications to improve efficiencies, reliability, and sustainability of the electric grid.


Analysis, Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Modeling, Electric Vehicles

Document Type




Degree Name

Electrical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

lavrova, Olga

Second Committee Member

Ranade, Satishkuma

Third Committee Member

Graham, Edward
