Civil Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 5-13-2023


Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is an innovative technique that is increasing its popularity in many industries including construction. 3D printing is related to the layer wised manufacturing or additive construction of any simple to intricate geometry from a digital file. The construction industry has a high potential for using 3D printing technology. However, one of the critical factors in the adaption of additive manufacturing in the construction industry is achieving a printable concrete mix design. This research aims to design printable mixes of lightweight concrete that could be effectively used in the 3D printing of walls or partitions in construction.

Lightweight concrete is a material that combines load-bearing and thermal insulation properties, enabling the construction of monolithic wall elements without additional thermal insulation. Through the use of additive manufacturing in the manufacture of lightweight concrete elements, the insulating capacity can be further improved by creating internal cavity structures. The controlled shaping of these structures allows zones of different densities, and thus different properties, to form within the elements. This research aims to design printable mixes of lightweight concrete that could be effectively used in the 3D printing of walls or partitions in construction. Two types of light aggregate were used in this study, including NM pumice and expanded glass.


Additive manufacturing; 3D printing; construction; lightweight concrete; mix designs, pumice, expanded glass

Document Type




Degree Name

Civil Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Civil Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Maryam Hojati

Second Committee Member

Rafiqul Tarefder

Third Committee Member

Francisco Uvina
