BBER Publications

Document Type

Technical Report

Publication Date



New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs


University of New Mexico, Bureau of Business and Economic Research


The New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs commissioned UNMs Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) to study the role of arts and cultural industries in the New Mexico (NM) economy. This study resulted in a report that reviews the economic impact of these 'creative' industries, discusses the challenges and opportunities they face, and concludes with policy recommendations. BBER researchers found that these industries employ over 43,000 persons in NM, pay $1.37 billion in wages and salaries, and generate $137.1 million in state and local government revenues. The study used a broad definition of 'arts and culture' to include persons employed in cultural tourism; art and cultural education; cultural institutions, such as public libraries and museums; and historic sites. Using this broader definition, these industries employ 76,780 persons; nearly one in ten jobs in the state. The study's methodology included location quotient analysis, and in-depth interviews of 123 NM professionals working in creative industries.

NM_CreativeEconomy_presentation_0814.pdf (591 kB)
Slide presentation
