A Re-Evaluation of the San Juan Basket Maker Culture and Possible Relationships to Non-Ceramic Group
Publication Date
Summer 6-5-1954
In summary, the purpose of this study may be stated as follows: by utilizing intensive and comparative archaeological data and also reasonable inference derived from ethnologic data, it is hoped that there can be presented a more precise and refined picture of the various groups of people whose material-culture remains are considered representative of the Basket Maker culture. It is the further intention of this study to examine critically the postulated development of such groups into later "culture horizons" classified as early Pueblo.
Basket Making, Ancestral Pueblos, New Mexico, Archaeology, Ethnology, San Juan, Hueco, Big Bend, Pecos
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Florence Hawley Ellis
Second Committee Member
Frank Cummings Hibben
Third Committee Member
Leslie Spier
Recommended Citation
McNutt, Charles H.. "A Re-Evaluation of the San Juan Basket Maker Culture and Possible Relationships to Non-Ceramic Group." (1954). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/anth_etds/116