Spanish and Portuguese ETDs
Publication Date
The definitions of the Auto sacramental which have been devised over a period of three hundred years, from Lope de Vega to the present day, vary from the strictness of: "el auto sacramental, cuyo tema es exclusivamente el dogma de la presencia eucaristica," to the opposite extreme of "No era esencial al auto la materia eucaristica, ni lo fue nunca, en ninguna epoca de su historia." In order to understand the disparity between these two statements, it will be necessary to review the history of the auto, and to see how it developed in the hands of the master of the genre.
Degree Name
Spanish (MA)
Level of Degree
Department Name
Spanish and Portuguese
First Committee Member (Chair)
Raymond R. MacCurdy
Second Committee Member
Third Committee Member
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Fitch, S. Hugh. "Calderon's "La Nave del Mercador": Auto Sacramental." (1950). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/span_etds/53
Included in
European Languages and Societies Commons, Latin American Languages and Societies Commons