Psychology ETDs
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When prior (Stage I) discrimination training has been experienced in the extradimensional paradigm, which consists of transfer of training between separate stimulus continua, either "enhanced" or "reduced" stimulus control may be observed in subsequent generalization testing (Stage II). A factor which has been found to influence this relationship is the type of training in effect for the dimension of generalization. Specifically, although discrimination training has been typically found to increase subsequent stimulus control, explicit discrimination training in Stage II produces reduced rather than enhanced control along the generalization continuum. Discrimination training involves four possible sequences (S+S+, S-S-, S+S-, and S-S+) in which periods of reinforcement (S+) and extinction (S-) may be alternated. It is hypothesized in the present experiment that the sequence in which discriminative stimuli are experienced in Stage II is an important determinant of extradimensional stimulus control.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Douglas Peter Ferrarolo
Second Committee Member
G. Robert Grice
Third Committee Member
Richard Jerome Harris
Fourth Committee Member
Frank Anderson Logan
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Branch, Kathleen H.. "The Role Of Stimulus Sequence In Extradimensional Stimulus Control.." (1972). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/484