Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
Six experiments were conducted in order to provide support for an extension of attention processes to stimulus relationships at the empirical and theoretical levels. These experiments, which employed a total of 231 introductory psychology students, were conducted in the context of a conditional discrimination labelled symbolic matching. In that discrimination, the correct choice or comparison stimulus depended upon the value of a discriminative or standard stimulus present on each trial. The first three experiments systematically replicated basic attentional effects in the conditional discrimination in order to provide an empirical base for evaluating the results of the second three experiments, which explored attention to stimulus relationships.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Douglas Peter Ferraro
Second Committee Member
Frank Anderson Logan
Third Committee Member
Henry Carleton Ellis
Fourth Committee Member
Peder Jack Johnson
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Beneke, William M.. "Selective Attention In Conditional Discriminations.." (1972). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/479