Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 8-14-2019
This study aimed to (1) characterize substance use treatment preferences, barriers, and attitudes in an under-represented sample of pregnant and postpartum women; (2) examine associations between barriers and help-seeking preferences, treatment attitudes, treatment engagement, substance use, and well-being; and (3) examine moderating effects of culture. Participants were 27 women, most of whom were treatment-experienced, of ethnic minority status, and from lower-income households. Results indicated flexibility in treatment preferences, and positive attitudes about treatment despite an extensive number of barriers. Participants indicated greater interference from stigma, relative to instrumental barriers. Qualitative responses revealed unique barriers experienced by this sample, and offspring well-being was most frequently mentioned as a factor motivating treatment engagement. Aim 2 associations were not demonstrated. However, limiting analyses to an ethnic minority subsample revealed unique associations of acculturation and enculturation with each other and family-related treatment barriers. Conclusions include implications for intervention and future research with this population.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Barbara McCrady
Second Committee Member
J. Scott Tonigan
Third Committee Member
Steven Verney
Fourth Committee Member
Brandi Fink
substance use, prenatal, treatment, access to treatment
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Borders, Adrienne. "Substance Use Treatment Accessibility for Pregnant and Postpartum Women." (2019). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/306