Mechanical Engineering ETDs

Publication Date



The use of thick, reinforced concrete components in nuclear reactor constructions where they serve as both structural and shielding components has become commonplace. In use, the concrete ls subjected to mechanical loads due to the weight of various reactor components and thermal loads due to tempera­ture gradients and internal heating due to absorbed radiation. Since these components are required to maintain their structural integrity for long period of time under fluctuating temperature gradients their stress analysis is a vital problem. Typical components range from thick slab shields to complete reinforced con­crete pressure vessels. It is felt that current criteria for the design of rein­forced concrete structures are ultraconservative and impose unnecessary restric­tions on the design of reactor shielding and the utilization c:4. existing structures. Such restrictions, imposed for safety' a sake, carry a heavy economic penalty in the use of either costly auxiliary shielding or elaborate cooling arrangement&.

Degree Name

Mechanical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Mechanical Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Richard Charles Dove

Second Committee Member

Frederick Dsuin Ju

Third Committee Member


Document Type



