Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-30-2024
This paper investigates a real-time optimization algorithm for autonomously calibrating the heliostats in a concentrated solar power plant with the goal of maximizing power generation. The current state-of-the-art uses human operators to provide feedback for the heliostats. We use real-time/online measurements to produce an autonomous closed-loop system that does not require human intervention. The paper investigates tuning the gain of the real-time optimization algorithm to quickly and robustly converge to the optimal alignment and stabilize the system. The exponential stability of the system is certified using a quadratic Lyapunov function and static output feedback methods to couple the Lyapunov functions of the plant and the controller. To validate stability, performance, and robustness, the algorithm is simulated using different power distributions and gains, as well as tested using an actual heliostat, that show the need for the real-time optimization algorithm.
Real-time Optimization, heliostat, Concentrated Solar Power, optimal pointing alignment
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Claus Danielson
Second Committee Member
Dr. Meeko Oishi
Third Committee Member
Dr. Kenneth Armijo
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Bernius, Zachary L.. "Tuning of Real-time Optimization of Heliostat Concentrated Solar Power." (2024). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/me_etds/268