


To support the hydrology studies in the Sierra Ladrones Study Basin, a network of moisture potential sensors and temperature sensors wereinstalled in the stream-channel sediments and adjacent soils atvarious locations up thru the watersheds in 1992. Two rain gaugeswere also added up through the watershed gradient to complement therain gauge on the weather station (Met43) at the base of the watershedto provide a better measure of moisture inputs to these watersheds.This file contains data for 1992 to 1994.


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Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB) Identifier


Document Type



This dataset was originally published on the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network Data Portal,, and potentially via other repositories or portals as described. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the source data package is doi:10.6073/pasta/d6770d8dd86c83e1fb0fdedea3169a9b, and may be accessed at Metadata and files included in this record mirror as closely as possible the source data and documentation, with the provenance metadata and quality report generated by the LTER portal reproduced here as '*-provenance.xml' and *-report.html' files, respectively.


Data Policies: This dataset is released to the public and may be freely downloaded. Please keep the designated Contact person informed of any plans to use the dataset. Consultation or collaboration with the original investigators is strongly encouraged. Publications and data products that make use of the dataset must include proper acknowledgement of the Sevilleta LTER. Datasets must be cited as in the example provided. A copy of any publications using these data must be supplied to the Sevilleta LTER Information Manager. By downloading any data you implicitly acknowledge the LTER Data Policy (


Temporal coverage

1992-07-31 - 1994-04-08

Spatial coverage

Location: Ladron Foothills sites include Red Tank and Two-22 in the foothills of the Sierra Ladrones on the West side of the refuge.Soils: Soils in the Arroyo Riparian area are loose granitic gravel with many rocks and boulders., Vegetation: Two-22 site is characterized as Juniper Savanna/Arroyo Riparian (Dick-Peddie 1993). Two-22 trapping webs span 2 two vegetation types. The upland Juniper Savanna portion of the site is dominated by widely scattered, relatively small stature one-seed Juniper. Other shrubs are sparse, including scrub liveoak, skunkbush, tree cholla, pricklypear, and banana and soapweed yucca. Rocky open spaces are dominated by black, hairy, and blue grama. The lower Arroyo Riparian area consists of a more dense, more diverse vegetation, dominated by large specimens of scrub liveoak, one-seed juniper and Apache plume, as well as tree cholla, Engelman cholla (O. engelmanii), pricklypear, broom snakeweed, tarragon (Artemesia dracunculus), sacahuista, chamisa (Chrysothamnus nauseosus), fourwing saltbush, wolfberry (Lycium pallidum), and skunkbush. Grass diversity is relatively high and dominated by blue grama and bush muhly., Location: Sierra Ladrones Study Basin (SLSB). The study area is in a series of small watersheds in the north- west corner of the Sevilleta Wildlife refuge. These watersheds originate in the foothills of the Sierra Ladrones. The total area of the drainage being monitored is about 170 ha. This drainage is the combination of 2 smaller drainges: Veanado (67 ha) and Abeja (102 ha). This specific monitoring location is in the main channel of the Abeja/Venado wash and is half-way between the Abeja/Venado confluence and the diversion dam.Soils: Sensors are in the sediments but surrounding soil is Puertocito-Rock Outcrop Complex, Hydrology: surface/groundwater: Ephemeral flows during storm events, siteid: 8Location: Sierra Ladrones Study Basin (SLSB): The study area is in a series of small watersheds in the north-west corner of the Sevilleta Wildlife refuge. These watersheds originate in the foothills of the Sierra Ladrones. The total area of the drainage being monitored is about 170 ha. This drainage is the combination of 2 smaller drainges: Veanado (67 ha) and Abeja (102 ha).Soils: Sensors are in the sediments but surrounding soil is Puertocito-Rock Outcrop Complex, Hydrology: Ephemeral flows during storm events, Vegetation: Juniper and Falugia lining wash Junipercreosote on hillslopes, siteid: 9Location: This specific monitoring location is about 650 m up the Abeja channel from the previous location. Here bedrock forces any streamflow to the surface. There is also a spring at this location from which water originates during relatively wetter periodsLandform: Sort of a mini canyon with outcrops of the parent bedrock rising on both sides of the channel., Soils: Puertocito-Rock Outcrop Complex, Hydrology: Ephemeral flows during storm events. Underlying bedrock forces water to surface through here., Vegetation: Juniper and Falugia lining wash. Juniper and creosote on hillslopes., Location: This specific monitoring location is about another 350 m up the Abeja channel from the previous location. Here 2 first-order watersheds Yucca and Ensenal come together to form Abeja. Again sensors were located in each channel.Landform: Sort of a mini canyon with outcrops of the parent bedrock rising on both sides of the channel., Soils: Puertocito-Rock Outcrop Complex, Hydrology: Ephemeral flows during the storm events., Vegetation: Juniper and Falugia lining wash. Juniper and creosote on hillslopes., Location: This site is about 400 m up the Ensenal drainage channel at the head-cut of the channel and in small forming channel. Sensors were also placed in the soils at this location.Soils: Puertocito-Rock Outcrop Complex., Hydrology: Ephemeral flows during storm events., Vegetation: Juniper and Falugia lining wash. Juniper and creosote on hillslopes.,



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