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Kells and Romero will discuss their Mi Cultura Cura: Testimonios de la Nueva México Digital Archive and their research approach to the examination of diverse public discourses through grassroots community engagement. Kells and Romero apply a social epistemic rhetoric approach toward constituting a public archive to generate rich descriptions of the public health experiences, environmental conditions, and cultural landscapes of New Mexico communities impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project implements a reciprocal research process through a cooperative of New Mexico institutions and community organizations to constitute and contribute to the construction of Mi Cultura Cura: Testimonios de la Nueva México Digital Archive.
Levi Romero is the New Mexico State Poet Laureate and Professor of Chicano Studies at the University of New Mexico where he serves as Director of New Mexican Cultural Landscapes Certificate Program. He is the author of A Poetry of Remembrance: New and Rejected Works, In the Gathering of Silence and Sagrado: A Photopoetics Across the Chicano Homeland. He is co-editor of a recently published collection of essays Querencia: Reflections on the New Mexico Homeland as well as Metamorfosis: New Mexico Women Writers, Bilingual Anthology.
Michelle Hall Kells is a professor of Rhetoric and Writing in the Department of English at the University of New Mexico where she teaches courses in civil rights rhetoric, environmental justice, and language equality education. Her most recent books include Vicente Ximenes, LBJ’s Great Society, and Mexican American Civil Rights Rhetoric and a co-edited volume with Laura Gonzales, Latina Leadership: Language and Literacy Education Across Communities. Kells is currently working on several book projects including a monograph on the Salt of the Earth Recovery Project, a memoir, and an eco-poetry collection, The San Joaquin River Club.
Mi Cultura Cura Team Members: Keith Sanchez, Graduate Student, Chicana & Chicano Studies Isabel Strawn, Undergraduate Student, Rhetoric & Writing Jonathan Sisneros, Graduate Student, Rhetoric & Writing
Publication Date
Fall 11-5-2021
Testimonios, Chicano Chicana Studies
Recommended Citation
Romero, Levi and Michelle Hall Kells. "Mi Cultura Cura/Healing Through Culture: Testimonios de la Nueva México Digital Archive Project." (2021).