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Copied in Mexico City in the third quarter of the 17th century and sent to Spain at an unknown time, the manuscript Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, M.2428 occupies a unique position in the universe of polyphony choirbooks produced in the New World. In addition to its status as a clearly ordered anthology with works by a single composer, Mexican-born Francisco López Capillas (1614-74), the most outstanding feature of this book is the quantity, quality, and artistic originality of its initials. The iconographic charge of these initials articulates a political agenda with implications beyond the music itself. Using the notion of cultural artifact and applying a multi-dimensional analysis, in this presentation Dr. Marín-López explores the discourses that emerge when interpreting the book as an act of symbolic communication of Creole agency.
Dr. Javier Marín-López is Full Professor of Musicology at the University of Jaén, Spain, and Artistic Director of the Early Music Festival of Úbeda y Baeza (FeMAUB). His scholarship focuses on Latin American and Spanish musical culture from the 16th to 19th centuries. For more info, visit:
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Latin American and Iberian Institute and Javier Marín López. "Creole Politics and Visual Culture in Baroque Mexico: Francisco López Capillas and a Transatlantic Music Manuscript." (2022).