HSC Education Days
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BACKGROUND: Alcohol use disorders (AUD) are a common problem in the U.S and are associated with increased rates of early mortality and substantial morbidity. AUD and related complications are a common reason for ED visits, hospital admission, and readmission. Medication assisted treatment of AUD is effective, safe and evidence-based. Nationally and in New Mexico, effective treatment for AUD is underused. Numerous studies have demonstrated the utility of naltrexone and acamprosate, both FDA approved for the treatment of AUD. The hallmark meta-analysis highlighting the benefits of these medications was published in 2014 and there were multiple UNM hospitalist educational events on the treatment of AUDs starting in 2015. We aim to study the effect of these. METHODS: We compared the number of naltrexone and acamprosate prescriptions provided to patients discharged from an adult internal medicine hospitalist service over the course of a 5 year period beginning in 2014, and each subsequent year as measured via EMR queries. Peer education on best practices in the treatment of AUDs attended by UNM hospitalists and trainees included grand rounds, hospital medicine Best Practices didactics, Hospitalist Training Track didactics, journal article review, and professional society meetings. A handout was developed and disseminating explaining these medications including their indications, risks, and benefits. RESULTS: Prescriptions for naltrexone and acamprosate increased from 1-2 per quarter to up to 28 per quarter. CONCLUSION: The number of naltrexone and acamprosate prescriptions increased over the designated 5-year period in direct correlation with educational interventions, although absolute numbers were low. This helps demonstrate the importance of continued education regarding best practices for treating AUDs, while also highlighting limitations and opportunities for hard-wiring processes to improve prescription rates.
Recommended Citation
Garcia, Anna and Eileen Barrett. "Does Peer Education Affect our Prescribing Practice? Impact of Educational Intervention on the Prescribing of Medication Assisted Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder." (2019). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/67
This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Day, 2019.