HSC Education Days
Micro-mentors, Communication Ninjas, and the DNR Fairy: Stories of Becoming in Hospice and Palliative Medicine
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Background: The transformative evolution of ‘becoming’ a Hospice and Palliative Medicine (HPM) physician requires learners to integrate knowledge from prior training while learning to “think, act, and feel” [1] like a palliative care physician. The drivers of professional identity formation (PIF) among HPM physicians are not well understood and their impact on training is unknown [2-3]. This study aims to identify factors that impact PIF of HPM physicians.
Objectives: Identify experiences that impact professional identity formation for HPM physicians. Construct a model of factors that impact professional identity in HPM.
Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with fellowship-trained HPM physicians practicing in the Southwest. We performed thematic analysis using NVivo software (QSR International) in an iterative, team-based process.
Results: We interviewed 10 HPM fellowship-trained physicians who were non-Hispanic white (100%), 70% female and 30% male, and trained in five primary disciplines. Our preliminary analysis identified three key themes associated with PIF for HPM physicians: (1) formal curriculum; (2) interactions with interdisciplinary team members (particularly chaplains and social workers); and (3) role models/mentors. Interviewees spoke extensively about role models who were supportive, patient-centered, modeled good communication, were compassionate, and encouraged learning.
Conclusion: Interviewees were universally impacted in their PIF by role models who were supportive and patient-centered. Formal didactics and communication curriculum also contributed to PIF.
Implications: HPM is a relatively new specialty and information gained from this study can provide a model for PIF in palliative medicine, can serve as groundwork for HPM fellowship training curriculum and educator development, and can aid HPM educators in nurturing PIF among learners.
Recommended Citation
Finlay, Esme; Nicole A. Lee; Erin K. FitzGerald; Julia M. Martinez; and Heidi Rishel Brakey. "Micro-mentors, Communication Ninjas, and the DNR Fairy: Stories of Becoming in Hospice and Palliative Medicine." (2022). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/116