History ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 5-30-1958


The influence of both Luther and Calvin upon the English Reformation has long been recognized by historians within and without the Church of England. They have been given credit for instigating particular men and movements to push for the further reformation of the Church of England. Little to no credit has been given to the work of both Zwingli and Bullinger and their influence on the leaders of the Church of England during the early years of the period of reformation.

In addition, Bishop John Hooper of Worcester and Gloucester has been neglected by the historians of the Church of England. He is one of the few leaders of the early years of the Reformation in England who has not been the subject of a biographical study. His influence on Cranmer and King Edward VI has not been recognized. The only notable thing which historians of the Church of England seem to attribute to Hooper is his unwillingness to wear episcopal vesture in order to be consecrated bishop. Even this they fail to understand, but remark only that he was the first to quarrel with the use of vestments in the Church.

It is my intention to show in this thesis that Zwingli and Bullinger had a direct influence upon the Church of England, more especially upon the thought of Bishop John Hooper, and later through Hooper upon the Puritan Movement.

Level of Degree


Degree Name


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

John Edward Longhurst

Second Committee Member

Benjamin Sacks

Third Committee Member

Josiah Cox Russell




Zwinglian Reformation, Huldreich Zwingli, Heinrich Bullinger, John Hooper, Protestant Reformation, Church of England

Document Type

