Interdisciplinary Symposia on Latin America

Shaping and Performing Urban Space

Shaping and Performing Urban Space


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Institutions of the monarchy and the Church in colonial Ibero-America constructed their authority through the definition and visual language of urban spaces. In doing so, they sought to regulate social activity, promote peninsular ideals and reinforce imperialist and masculine hierarchies of power. Groups from all social sectors debated, contested, and transformed these ideals. This panel explores specifically how local elites debated the value of the meanings imposed from above and how they negotiated authority through the practices and visual languages of urban space in Colonial New Spain and the Caribbean, in newspapers, patriotic societies and female convent communities.

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"Authority and Identity in Colonial Ibero-America" is a two-day, interdisciplinary symposium which brings to UNM eight prominent colonial scholars from History, Art History, and Literary and Cultural Studies for an interdisciplinary dialogue.

The symposium is made possible by Dr. Richard E. Greenleaf's generous endowment to the LAII and the LAII's US Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center grant.

Shaping and Performing Urban Space
