Earth and Planetary Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
This study was undertaken for the purpose of delineating the configuration of the Paradox salt wedge edge in relation to the Comb monocline structure. It was designed to illustrate whether or not, and to what extent, the Comb structure was a submarine barrier controlling deposition of sediments on the western shelf of the Paradox seaway during middle Paradox time.
Degree Name
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Second Committee Member
Third Committee Member
Roger Yates Anderson
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Hinds, Jim S.. "Controls on Paradox Salt Deposition in the Area of Comb Monocline San Juan County, Utah." (1960). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/eps_etds/172
Structure Contour Map
HINDS_FIGURE_6_FINAL.pdf (778435 kB)
Thickness of Pennsylvanian Rocks Below the Rico Formation
HINDS_FIGURE_7_FINAL.pdf (774342 kB)
Thickness of Middle Paradox Member
HINDS_FIGURE_8_FINAL.pdf (775383 kB)
Thickness of Honaker Trail Formation
HINDS_FIGURE_10_FINAL.pdf (404020 kB)
Lithologic-Stratigraphic Cross Section No. 1
HINDS_FIGURE_11_FINAL.jpg (26898 kB)
Lithologic-Stratigraphic Cross Section No. 2
HINDS_FIGURE_12_FINAL.jpg (25227 kB)
Lithologic-Stratigraphic Cross Section No. 3
HINDS_FIGURE_13_FINAL.pdf (15879 kB)
Lithologic-Stratigraphic Cross Section No. 4
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Geology Commons, Hydrology Commons, Other Earth Sciences Commons