English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 8-27-2020
This collection of poetry explores themes of time, memory, and identity through a lens crafted after a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Novel. Drawing on the author’s personal experiences and history, this collection confronts the reader with the historical implications of their own choices through a structure that compels multiple readings, leading to new discoveries of the interior experience of choice. A pair of choices located at the end of each poem confront the reader with an opportunity to complete the poem as best suits them. Each successive re-reading will result in new iterations of the book’s structure, though the odds of any two readings being identical are vanishingly small. By successively re-reading and re-engaging with the contents of this book, the reader is given the opportunity to re-create a history and by so doing, re-create their own.
Degree Name
MFA Creative Writing
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Lisa Chavez
Second Committee Member
Stephen Benz
Third Committee Member
Marisa Clark
Fourth Committee Member
Juan Morales
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Murphy, Emily. "First the Blessing, Then the Aftermath." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/295