English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
Satire as a literary method is more apt to be associated by the student or critic of English literature with the neo-classical writers of the eighteenth century than with the romantics who followed. Indeed, the critical and intellectual attitude which produces satire was the temper of the neo-classical writers against whom the romantics were in revolt, yet many of the romantics used satire with sufficient frequency to warrant our asking whether satire as used by the romanticists differs from that used in the preceding century, whether, therefore, there is a kind of satire which may be called romantic, and whether there are elements in romanticism or kinds of romanticism which necessarily exclude satire. Consequently many questions apropos of the problem develop. Fundamentally, how does satire fit into the romantic view of life? is there a romantic satire as well as a neo-classical satire? Are the romanticists interested in satire because of an emulation of the brilliant polished style of Pope or are they not interested in satire because of an aversion to his rationalism, formalism, and superficiality?
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Cecil Vivian Wicker
Second Committee Member
Dudley Wynn
Third Committee Member
Robert Manly Duncan
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Van Driel, Marie. "Verse Satire between 1798 and 1832 in Relation to the Romantic Movement." (1944). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/222