English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-25-1961
The present study does not pretend to be a definitive study of Pond's translations. It will, however, try to outline the main points about Pound as a translator. It will discuss, first of all, Pound's statements about translating as a craft as well as on his own translations and those of others, and try to define--if only tentatively--Pound's major principles of translations. It will discuss specifically some of Pound's translations, chosen not always because they are the most representative, but because the present writer is able to examine them. This part will include translations from the German, from the Anglo-Saxon, from the French, and from the Chinese (and the last group is justified by the existence of a body of expert opinions which can profitably reported and connected to the main theme). Finally, it will try to summarize and evaluate Pound's achievement and influence as a translator.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Ernest Warnock Tedlock Jr
Second Committee Member
Morris Freedman
Third Committee Member
George Warren Arms
Ezra Pound, Translation
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Ohlin, Peter H.. "Le Grand Translateur: The Theory and Practice of Ezra Pound in Selected Translations." (1961). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/175