Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs

Publication Date



The informal reading inventory was explored in conjunction with: (1) the teacher assigned reading level, (2) the cloze procedure to evaluate comprehension, and (3) the rate of silent and oral reading. Sixty children in grades two through six were given the informal reading inventory to determine their independent, instructional, and frustration levels. The children were also given written cloze tests on the basis of their school assigned grade level to evaluate their independent, instructional, and frustration levels. During the oral and silent reading selections of the informal reading inventory, the children were timed, and their rate of reading was determined and expressed in “words per minute.”

The comparison of the informal tests and the teacher assigned level revealed that sixty-eight per cent of the sixty children in the study were reading at a level that did not correspond to their instructional level as determined by the informal reading inventory. Only thirty-two per cent of the children had a teacher assigned level that exactly match their instructional level.

Document Type




Degree Name

Elementary Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Miles Vernon Zintz

Second Committee Member

Catherine Ellen Loughlin

Third Committee Member

James Samuel Everett

Fourth Committee Member

Hazel Craker
