Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs
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Statement of Problem. The purpose of this study was two fold: (1) to analyze those competencies needed for selling which should be included in a distributive education curriculum and (2) to ascertain what relationships may exist between the perceptions of the student-learners, employers, and distributive education teacher-coordinators in regard to the instructional content which is believed necessary to be taught in distributive education programs.
Procedure. Q-sort decks containing 75 competencies of Knowledges and Understandings, Skills, and Attitudes which are needed in sales-related occupations were sorted by distributive education teacher-coordinators, student-learners, and employers into the following categories: (1) Quite Important, (2) Somewhat Important, (3) Neutral, (4) Somewhat Unimportant, and (5) Quite Unimportant. The scores obtained from the participants’ reactions were statistically analyzed using Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient to determine the agreement between paired groups and the t test was used to ascertain the significance of the correlations. As a measure of overall agreement among the three groups of respondents, Kendall’s coefficient of concordance was computed and the chi-square formula was used to test for significance.
Results. The data collected for this investigation enabled the researcher to rank in descending order the competencies within the categories of Knowledges and Understandings, Skills, and Attitudes. When disagreement existed among the three groups concerning the importance of competencies, the preference of the employers was used in determining the new priority so that the recommended curriculum content might be correlated with the needs of the jobs.
The relationships among the perceptions of the respondents were statistically significant at the .05 level which was established as acceptable for this study. Kendall's coefficient of concordance for Knowledges and Understandings, Skills, and Attitudes were .73, .69, and .70, respectively, indicating a moderately strong agreement among the respondents. When the Spearman's rank order coefficients were obtained for paired groups, there was stronger agreement between the student-learners and employers and student-learners and distributive education teacher-coordinators than between the teacher-coordinators and the employers on each of the three categories of competencies.
The Knowledges and Understandings which were ranked highest were those which pertained to: (1) making change, (2) friendly service, (3) product information, (4) store procedures, and (5) operating a cash register. Skill competencies which were ranked highest included: (1) courtesy to customers, (2) determining correct change and following company sales procedures, (3) service to customers according to management desires, (4) use of tact in dealing with customers, and (5) coordinating merchandise in related sales. The Attitude competencies which received the highest rankings were the following: (1) giving the best service to customers, (2) keeping promises made to customers, (3) possessing a high interest in the merchandise or service being sold, (4) being enthusiastic toward merchandise when making a sale, and (5) overcoming objections.
Conclusions and Recommendations. A discrepancy existed between the perceptions of the distributive education teacher-coordinators and the employers as to the priorities of competencies needed in selling. All of the competencies in the research instrument should be included in the distributive education program; however, since some of the competencies are more important than others, each should be introduced in the curriculum according to its position of priority in the new rank order. It is recommended that each of the 75 competencies be included, according to priority, in one of the following distributive education instructional units which pertain to selling: (1) The Cash Register, (2) Customer Relations, (3) Salesmanship Techniques, (4) Store Management Procedures, and (5) Merchandise Display Fundamentals. The competencies which are recommended for each unit have been listed in priorities one, two, and three as to the degree of importance for inclusion in the distributive education curriculum.
Document Type
Degree Name
Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy
First Committee Member (Chair)
William Barton Runge
Second Committee Member
Alvin Wendell Howard
Third Committee Member
Bonner Milton Crawford
Recommended Citation
Palmore, Teddy B.. "A Study Of Selling Competencies And Their Priorities For Inclusion In The Distributive Education Curriculum.." (1972). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_teelp_etds/349
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