Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-16-2020
Teacher noticing requires listening to student sense-making, interpreting the mathematical understandings teachers hear, and deciding how to respond based on what they notice in a specific interaction. Teachers manage what they notice about students in instructional interactions to both make key teaching decisions and adjust their interactions with specific learners. Elementary teachers narrate their procedural and declarative knowledge in the moment between listening and deciding how to interact. The data is generated through qualitative interviewing, observation, and documentation. There is a cyclical process of listening to student sense-making, then recalling the student criteria that triggered an interaction, as well as a balance between impulsivity and overthinking (in which the tension between a teacher’s best knowledge and the gathering of more student information is considered), before a teacher commits to a specific response. Teacher listening processes, context, and ability to narrate interactions are considered to describe how student sense-making can drive the opportunities to learn that teachers provide.
knowledge of content and students, pedagogical content knowledge, elementary mathematics, narrated noticing, listening, student sense-making
Document Type
Level of Degree
Department Name
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Laura Haniford
Second Committee Member
Tryphenia Peele-Eady
Third Committee Member
Kersti Tyson
Fourth Committee Member
Kathryn Watkins
Recommended Citation
Stansbury, Allison F.. "Elementary Math Teachers' Narrated Noticing: What Occurs Between Teacher Listening And Teacher Response." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_teelp_etds/334
Included in
Educational Administration and Supervision Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons
Resubmission of dissertation manuscript with three blank pages after the references removed.