Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Research on professional development for teachers usually focuses on its effects during or immediately after the experience or on teachers satisfaction with professional development in general. Little research focuses on the lasting impressions and influences. This qualitative study used two focus groups to gather the memories of eleven teachers who became trainers in a high quality and voluntary professional development program ten years prior to the study. The program focused on helping teachers infuse technology into their teaching and develop constructivist pedagogy and used a training of trainers model for widespread dissemination. Teachers responded to four questions about their memories of the experience, how they felt it changed their practice, the challenges and successes of being a trainer, and the impact of their participation on their careers. Focus groups were audio and video recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using constant comparison and coding to identify recurring and powerful themes. Participants revealed that they found the curriculum resources and opportunities for collaboration as the most memorable features of the program. Many also reported that they experienced somewhat fearful feelings at the outset of the program, but that these feelings abated in the ensuing three years of the program. All participants voiced their success as trainers and learned more about technology through taking on that role. Challenges were related to recruiting new teachers into the program and inadequate technological resources in their schools. All found the program an enhancement to their self-confidence, professional growth and career achievement.'
Career development -- Study and teaching, Follow-up in teacher training
Document Type
Degree Name
Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Keyes, Thomas
Second Committee Member
Oshima, Lynette
Third Committee Member
Napper-Owen, Gloria
Recommended Citation
Smith, Frederick. "DOES IT COMPUTE?: A STUDY OF THE LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT." (2012). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_llss_etds/42