Individual, Family, and Community Education ETDs
Publication Date
This study investigated the effects of a training program designed to help student-teachers become aware of the importance of verbal interaction and to help student-teachers develop effective and purposive interactional verbal skills. The following verbal behaviors were the focus of study: Initial Open-ended Structure, Restructuring, Settling the Problem, Articulating Behavior, Reinforcing, Clarifying and Elaborating, and Proffering Aid.
Document Type
Level of Degree
Department Name
Individual, Family, and Community Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Catherine E. Loughlin
Second Committee Member
Marie M. Hughes
Third Committee Member
David Darling
Fourth Committee Member
Dolores Gonzales
Recommended Citation
Sandoval, Alice. "The Effect of Training in Seven Categories of Verbal Behavior on the Performance of Kindergarten Student Teachers." (1973). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_ifce_etds/98