Individual, Family, and Community Education ETDs
Publication Date
The random haphazard method of occupational role assignment by society is probably the result of an education system based on the "gentlemen's education" concept of the 18th century, according to Eli Ginzberg. Even with the broadening of the public school system in the early 1900's to allow education for all, there were few changes in the process of assisting youth in preparation for and assignment to various occupational roles. Major emphasis by the schools and society was not placed upon maximizing for individuals.
Document Type
Level of Degree
Department Name
Individual, Family, and Community Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Patrick D. Lynch
Second Committee Member
William B. Runge
Third Committee Member
Paul V. Petty
Fourth Committee Member
Edward G. Nolan
Recommended Citation
Orr, Rodney G.. "The Relationship of Social Character and Dogmatism Among Spanish American Young Adults in Three Selected Institutions in New Mexico." (1966).