Chemistry and Chemical Biology ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 9-21-2021
Cancer is one of the biggest threatens to human health. Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of new incidence and mortality in the whole world. It is important to understand the mechanism of tumorigenesis and development. Based on the mechanisms, we may develop new therapeutics to improve survival rate.
In Chapter 2, we discussed the PINK1 function in suppression colon cancer. We found that PINK1 can activate its substrate P53, which activates its downstream targets during mitophay. At the same time, PINK1 is also involved in metabolism, we showed that PINK1 can reduce Acetyl-CoA by inhibiting PDHE1ɑ. Cells treated with acetate can rescue PINK1 suppression role in colon cancer.
In Chapter 3 we investigated PINK1’s role in inflammation. We found that some cytokines involved in immune response significantly changed. In this on-going project , the mechanism is still elusive, and we need figure out the reasons and provide a potential method for colon cancer treatment.
In Chapter 4, we studied STEAP4, which promotes tumor development. We found that STEA4 deficiency has a protection role in colon cancer development, and in vitro study showed that STEAP4 promoted tumor cell growth by increasing ROS level, which can also trigger cell death. We used two drugs that can induce ROS to treat the cells, and it showed that these two drugs can induce apoptosis in STEAP4 overexpression cell line. These findings may provide a potential treatment for colon cancer.
Project Sponsors
colon cnacer, PINK1, acetyl-CoA, inflammation, STEAP4, ROS
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
First Committee Member (Chair)
Prof. Jeremy Edwards
Second Committee Member
Prof. Xiang Xue
Third Committee Member
Prof. Changjian Feng
Fourth Committee Member
Prof. Mark Walker
Recommended Citation
Yin, Kunlun. "MITOCHONDRIAL PROTEINS IN MEDIATING COLON CANCER AND POTENTIAL THERAPUTICS." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/chem_etds/189