Chemical and Biological Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Novel platinum nanostructures were synthesized by templating the growth of platinum on treated polymer surfaces and within disk-like aqueous bicellar assemblies. The growth mechanisms of all structures were examined in detail. Platinum hollow nanospheres with uniform shell thickness were prepared by the seeded growth of platinum on the surface of latex beads with an adsorbed porphyrin photocatalyst followed by core removal. Templating bicelles of a high yield were synthesized for the first time and verified by electron microscopy. Dendritic platinum nanowheels were obtained as a result of confined growth within the bicellar interior. Sintering experiments revealed an unusual stability of the nanowheels prompting further examination of their catalytic properties. The nanowheels have similar catalytic performance to a commercial catalyst but provide an improvement in stability. These platinum nanostructures have advantages over bulk catalyst as a result of improved surface to volume ratios leading to reduced costs in catalytic applications.
Platinum, Nanostructures, Nanowheels, Nanospheres, Templated Growth; Nanostructured materials--Design and construction., Platinum catalysts., Chemical templates;
Sandia National Laboratories University of New Mexico - Center for Micro-engineered Materials
Document Type
Degree Name
Chemical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Chemical and Biological Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Ward, Tim
Second Committee Member
Song, Yujiang
Third Committee Member
Shelnutt, John
Recommended Citation
Garcia, Robert. "Templated growth of platinum nanostructures." (2010). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cbe_etds/49