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69) Two girls embracing. Brazilians living near the coast tend to go to the same beaches to meet friends and family. They tend to socialize in the area between the sidewalk and the water. Men and women walk up and down the beach talking, watching, flirting and being watched and flirted at.69) Duas garotas abraçando-se. Brasileiros moradores no litoral costumama ir ás mesmas praias para encontrar os amigos e a fanu1ia. Eles costumam reunir-se na areia, entre a calçada e a água. Homens e mulheres andam para cima e para baixo, conversando, olhando, paquerando e sendo vistos e paquerados.


Latin American and Iberian Institute / University of New Mexico


Brazil Slide Series Collection: This article is copyrighted by the Latin American & Iberian Institute (LAII) of the University of New Mexico. Rights permission is for standard academic, non-commercial, use of these materials. Proper citation of this material should include title, author, publisher, date, and URL. Copyright Latin American and Iberian Institute University of New Mexico 1991


Brazil: Rio de Janeiro
