Art & Art History ETDs
Publication Date
Current estimates indicate that some eight billion images are being made each year by photographic processes. While photography has many important utilitarian functions, it also has a function as an art form through which man can express himself. In this context photography is part of the curriculum of a large and growing number of universities. This dissertation is intended to complement a beginning course in photography.
Photography was publicly introduced in 1839. Its subsequent developments provide a basis from which to examine the technical processes of modern photography: the exposure of the film in the camera, the developing of the film and the making of the print.
The wide range of expressive photographs being made today requires that a beginning photographer becomes acquainted with many uses of the medium. Traditional techniques, which produce clear, sharp images and a continuous tonal range, have been most often utilized during the entire history of photography. Examination of work by traditional photographers makes possible the introduction of appropriate equipment and methods. On the other hand, contradictory strains have been developed which use unconventional techniques and provide photographers with an optional range of visual possibilities for expressing their ideas. Surveying the range of these techniques offers the beginning photographer some possible reasons for their use. Photography has been used in conjunction with other art media. Attention must be given to the application of photography mixed with other media in order for the student to be aware of his full range of choices. The expressive possibilities of mixed media, like those of the traditional photograph and the unconventional photograph, provide a useful introduction to the appropriate technical information.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Department of Art and Art History
First Committee Member (Chair)
Van Deren Coke
Second Committee Member
Wayne Roderic Lazorik
Third Committee Member
Richard Rudisill
Fourth Committee Member
Robert M. Ellis
Recommended Citation
Alinder, James. "Beginning In Photography." (1968). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/arth_etds/222